Beverly Engel, LMFT
Jan 19, 2019
Debilitated by Guilt and / or Shame?
"Some have explained the difference between shame and guilt as follows: When we feel guilt we feel badly about something we did or...

Jul 20, 2018

Eric W. Dolan
Mar 6, 2018
How Psychological Distress From Being Cheated On Can Harm Your Physical Health
Shrout and her colleague found a connection between mental health and health-compromising behaviors. Experiencing greater depression,...

Ronda L. Dearing, Jeffrey Stuewig
Apr 9, 2016
Shame-Proneness vs. Shame-free Guilt-Proneness in Addiction
"In everyday language, the terms 'shame' and 'guilt' often are used interchangeably to describe emotions that are considered to be...