Beverly Engel, LMFT
- Jan 19, 2019
Debilitated by Guilt and / or Shame?
"Some have explained the difference between shame and guilt as follows: When we feel guilt we feel badly about something we did or...
- Jul 20, 2018
Eric W. Dolan
- Mar 6, 2018
How Psychological Distress From Being Cheated On Can Harm Your Physical Health
Shrout and her colleague found a connection between mental health and health-compromising behaviors. Experiencing greater depression,...
Ronda L. Dearing, Jeffrey Stuewig
- Apr 9, 2016
Shame-Proneness vs. Shame-free Guilt-Proneness in Addiction
"In everyday language, the terms 'shame' and 'guilt' often are used interchangeably to describe emotions that are considered to be...