John O'Donohue
Jul 2, 2017
Life is an Echo...
"If you send out goodness from yourself, or if you share that which is happy or good within you, it will all come back to you multiplied...
Journal of Sexual Medicine
Apr 26, 2017
O.C.E.A.N. Personality Characteristics in BDSM
Within BDSM, a person is typically in one of three roles: dominant (dom/domme), submissive (sub), or switch. The terms are fairly self...
Edgar Allan Poe
Mar 22, 2017
Making Meaning...
“I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I...
Luis R. Valadez
Feb 11, 2017
Searching for Your Soulmate?
Chances are you have already met a few contenders... In the attached article, "Gottman discovered that couples who focus their energy on...
Melissa Jeltsen
Jan 12, 2017
Strangulation: One of the Most Lethal Forms of Domestic Violence
Experts warn that men "who put pressure on a woman's neck" are announcing their capacity to kill. 43% of women murdered and 45% who had...
Jill P. Weber, PhD
Dec 29, 2016
LOVE: That Man In Your Life Is Vulnerable, Too!
Consider the following five insights to increase your understanding of some of what a man needs from you: 1. He deeply wants you to like...
Pema Chodron
Nov 2, 2016
Lessons We Must Learn To Move On
"nothing ever really attacks us except our own confusion. perhaps there is no solid obstacle except our own need to protect ourselves...
Nara Schoenberg
Jul 14, 2016
Affective Affirmation for Men
(click photo for full article) When the man in your life is troubled, fearful, anxious, or vulnerable, do you get uncomfortable,...
Paul K. Piff
Jul 11, 2016
The Science of Greed
This study suggests that the wealthier you are, the more entitled you feel to put self-interest above the needs of other people. In this...
Dina Gusovsky
May 4, 2016
Opioids: America's Highly Addictive Drug
"In most countries, the use of opioid prescriptions is limited to acute hospitalization and trauma, such as burns, surgery, childbirth...
Jackie Hillios, Ph.D.
Apr 21, 2016
Ronda L. Dearing, Jeffrey Stuewig
Apr 9, 2016
Shame-Proneness vs. Shame-free Guilt-Proneness in Addiction
"In everyday language, the terms 'shame' and 'guilt' often are used interchangeably to describe emotions that are considered to be...